Beginner Lindy Series

When: Saturdays, May 4th - 18th, 6:30-8 PM
Where: Salsa Con Todo - Fremont, 211 N 36th Street
Price: $97.50/person
Prerequisites: No partner or experience is required!

Learn to find the groove, feel the joy, and sweat your troubles away with the infectious rhythms of Lindy Hop, the original swing dance.

There are three beginner series - Path, Flow, and Rhythm - each designed for total beginner dance students. We encourage students to take all three series as they each include different foundational techniques and moves. You do not need to take these classes in sequential order. Jump in any month and have fun!

Included while enrolled in Beginner Lindy Series:

  • Free weekly all-levels practice space/office hours after class on Saturdays from 8-9PM